10 Common Misconceptions About Devon Rex Cats You Should Know Before Owning One

Devon Rex cats are an enchanting breed with their large ears, wavy fur, and playful personalities. However, there are several misconceptions about them that might confuse potential cat owners. If you’re thinking about bringing a Devon Rex into your home, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. Let’s dive into 10 common misconceptions about Devon Rex cats and uncover the truth behind these fascinating felines.

Devon Rex Cats Are Hypoallergenic

One of the most widespread myths is that Devon Rex cats are hypoallergenic. While it’s true they produce fewer allergens than some other breeds, no cat is completely hypoallergenic. Devon Rex cats have less fur and shed less, which can reduce the amount of allergens in your home. However, they still produce the protein Fel d 1, which is the main allergen found in cats. Think of it as having less glitter around the house but not entirely free of it.

They Don’t Require Grooming

Another misconception is that Devon Rex cats don’t need grooming due to their short and wavy fur. In reality, their unique coat requires regular care. Their fur can become greasy or dirty, so occasional baths are beneficial. Additionally, their large ears can accumulate wax and need regular cleaning. It’s similar to maintaining a vintage car—it may not need as much upkeep, but it still requires some attention to stay in top shape.

They Are Always Hyperactive

While Devon Rex cats are known for their playful and energetic nature, they aren’t always bouncing off the walls. They have their moments of calm and enjoy lounging around just like any other cat. Their energy levels can vary based on their age, personality, and environment. Think of them as having a playful side like a child but also appreciating quiet times like an adult.

They Are Not Affectionate

Some people believe that Devon Rex cats are not affectionate because they are so independent and active. However, these cats can be incredibly loving and enjoy snuggling with their human companions. They often seek out warm laps and like to be close to their owners. Imagine a warm, soft blanket that’s both comforting and lively at the same time.

They Are Fragile Due to Their Size

Devon Rex cats may appear delicate because of their slim bodies and large ears, but they are quite sturdy and resilient. They are generally healthy cats with few breed-specific health issues. Treat them with care as you would any pet, but don’t assume they are fragile just because they look petite. Think of them as small yet mighty, like a smartphone that packs a punch despite its size.

They Don’t Get Along With Other Pets

Many believe that Devon Rex cats are solitary creatures that don’t get along with other pets. On the contrary, they are quite social and often enjoy the company of other cats, dogs, and even small animals. They tend to get along well with other pets as long as proper introductions are made. It’s like introducing new friends at a party—give them time to warm up to each other.

They Are Too Exotic for a Regular Home

Because of their unique appearance, some people think Devon Rex cats are too exotic or high-maintenance for a regular home. In reality, they adapt well to various living situations, whether it’s a bustling household with children or a quiet apartment. They are not divas; they just have a bit of flair, like a stylish outfit that stands out but is comfortable to wear.

They Have Health Problems Due to Their Unique Features

While it’s true that all purebred cats can be prone to certain health issues, Devon Rex cats are not necessarily more at risk than other breeds. They are generally healthy, and regular veterinary care can help manage any potential problems. It’s like having a unique gadget—maintenance is key, but it doesn’t mean it’s prone to more issues.

They Don’t Need Much Attention

Some people think that because Devon Rex cats are independent, they don’t need much attention from their owners. However, they thrive on interaction and can become lonely if left alone for too long. They enjoy playing, cuddling, and being involved in family activities. Imagine having a friend who loves spending time with you but also values their alone time—they need a balance of both.

They Are Rare and Hard to Find

While Devon Rex cats are not as common as some other breeds, they are not exceedingly rare. Many reputable breeders specialize in Devon Rex cats, and they can also be found through rescue organizations. With some research and patience, you can find a Devon Rex to welcome into your home. It’s like searching for a rare book—once you know where to look, it’s not impossible to find.


Understanding the truth behind these common misconceptions about Devon Rex cats can help you make an informed decision about whether this breed is right for you. They are affectionate, playful, and adaptable companions who can bring joy and entertainment to any household. By debunking these myths, you can appreciate the unique qualities of Devon Rex cats and provide them with the love and care they deserve.


Are Devon Rex cats good for people with allergies?

Devon Rex cats produce fewer allergens, which might be better for some people with mild allergies, but they are not completely hypoallergenic.

How often should I groom my Devon Rex?

Regular grooming is needed, including occasional baths and ear cleaning to keep their coat and ears in good condition.

Do Devon Rex cats need a lot of exercises?

They are energetic and enjoy playtime, but they also have periods of calm. Interactive toys and climbing structures can help keep them active.

Can Devon Rex cats be left alone for long periods?

They enjoy human interaction and can get lonely if left alone for too long. It’s best to ensure they have company or engage them with toys when you’re away.

Are Devon Rex cats suitable for families with children?

Yes, they are social and can get along well with children and other pets, making them a good choice for families.

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